Angus Thomson, Ph.D.

Campus: Biomedical Science Tower, 203 Lothrop St
Office: W1544
Lab: E1500
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Ph: 412-624-6392
Fax: 412-624-1172
- BSc(Hons), University of Aberdeen
- MSc (Immunology), University of Birmingham
- Ph.D. (Immunology), University of Aberdeen
- Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Aberdeen
- DSc(Med), University of Birmingham
Academic Affiliation
- Distinguished Professor, Department of Surgery
- Distinguished Professor, Department of Immunology
- Program Director, NIAID T32 Research Training Grant in Transplantation Biology
About Research
Selected Publications
1. Ono, Y., A. Perez-Gutierrez, T. Nakao, H. Dai, G. Camirand, O. Yoshida, S. Yokota, D. B. Stolz, M. A. Ross, A. E. Morelli, D. A. Geller, and A. W. Thomson. 2018. Graft-infiltrating PD-L1(hi) cross-dressed dendritic cells regulate antidonor T cell responses in mouse liver transplant tolerance. Hepatology 67: 1499-1515.
2. Watson, A. R., H. Dai, J. A. Diaz-Perez, M. E. Killeen, A. R. Mathers, and A. W. Thomson. 2018. mTORC2 deficiency in cutaneous dendritic cells potentiates CD8(+) effector T cell responses and accelerates skin graft rejection. Am J Transplant In press.
3. Fantus, D., N. M. Rogers, F. Grahammer, T. B. Huber, and A. W. Thomson. 2016. Roles of mTOR complexes in the kidney: implications for renal disease and transplantation. Nature reviews. Nephrology 12: 587-609.
4. Yoshida, O., S. Kimura, L. Dou, B. M. Matta, S. Yokota, M. A. Ross, D. A. Geller, and A. W. Thomson. 2014. DAP12 deficiency in liver allografts results in enhanced donor DC migration, augmented effector T cell responses and abrogation of transplant tolerance. Am J Transplant 14: 1791-1805.
5. Rosborough, B. R., D. Raich-Regue, B. M. Matta, K. Lee, B. Gan, R. A. DePinho, H. Hackstein, M. Boothby, H. R. Turnquist, and A. W. Thomson. 2013. Murine dendritic cell rapamycin-resistant and rictor-independent mTOR controls IL-10, B7-H1, and regulatory T-cell induction. Blood 121: 3619-3630.
6. Ezzelarab, M. B., A. F. Zahorchak, L. Lu, A. E. Morelli, G. Chalasani, A. J. Demetris, F. G. Lakkis, M. Wijkstrom, N. Murase, A. Humar, R. Shapiro, D. K. Cooper, and A. W. Thomson. 2013. Regulatory dendritic cell infusion prolongs kidney allograft survival in nonhuman primates. Am J Transplant 13: 1989-2005.
7. Matta, B. M., G. Raimondi, B. R. Rosborough, T. L. Sumpter, and A. W. Thomson. 2012. IL-27 production and STAT3-dependent upregulation of B7-H1 mediate immune regulatory functions of liver plasmacytoid dendritic cells. J. Immunol. 188: 5227-5237.
8. Stenger, E. O., H. R. Turnquist, M. Y. Mapara, and A. W. Thomson. 2012. Dendritic cells and regulation of graft-versus-host disease and graft-versus-leukemia activity. Blood 119: 5088-5103.
9. Turnquist, H. R., Z. Zhao, B. R. Rosborough, Q. Liu, A. Castellaneta, K. Isse, Z. Wang, M. Lang, D. B. Stolz, X. X. Zheng, A. J. Demetris, F. Y. Liew, K. J. Wood, and A. W. Thomson. 2011. IL-33 expands suppressive CD11b+ Gr-1(int) and regulatory T cells, including ST2L+ Foxp3+ cells, and mediates regulatory T cell-dependent promotion of cardiac allograft survival. J. Immunol. 187: 4598-4610.
10. Sumpter, T. L., V. Packiam, H. R. Turnquist, A. Castellaneta, O. Yoshida, and A. W. Thomson. 2011. DAP12 promotes IRAK-M expression and IL-10 production by liver myeloid dendritic cells and restrains their T cell allostimulatory ability. J. Immunol. 186: 1970-1980.
11. Thomson, A. W., and P. A. Knolle. 2010. Antigen-presenting cell function in the tolerogenic liver environment. Nat Rev Immunol 10: 753-766.
12. Raimondi, G., T. L. Sumpter, B. M. Matta, M. Pillai, N. Corbitt, Y. Vodovotz, Z. Wang, and A. W. Thomson. 2010. Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibition and alloantigen-specific regulatory T cells synergize to promote long-term graft survival in immunocompetent recipients. J. Immunol. 184: 624-636.
13. Turnquist, H. R., J. Cardinal, C. Macedo, B. R. Rosborough, T. L. Sumpter, D. A. Geller, D. Metes, and A. W. Thomson. 2010. mTOR and GSK-3 shape the CD4+ T cell stimulatory and differentiation capacity of myeloid DC following exposure to LPS. Blood 115: 4758-4769.
14. Turnquist, H., G. Raimondi, A. F. Zahorchak, R. T. Fischer, Z. Wang, and A. W. Thomson. 2007. Rapamycin-conditioned dendritic cells are poor stimulators of allogeneic CD4+ T cells, but enrich for antigen-specific Foxp3+ T regulatory cells and promote organ transplant tolerance. J. Immunol. 178: 7018-7031.
15. Morelli, A. E., and A. W. Thomson. 2007. Tolerogenic dendritic cells and the quest for transplant tolerance. Nat Rev Immunol 7: 610-621.
16. Larregina, A. T., A. E. Morelli, L. A. Spencer, A. J. Logar, S. C. Watkins, A. W. Thomson, and L. D. Falo, Jr. 2001. Dermal-resident CD14+ cells differentiate into Langerhans cells. Nat Immunol 2: 1151-1158.
17. Antonysamy, M. A., W. C. Fanslow, F. Fu, W. Li, S. Qian, A. B. Troutt, and A. W. Thomson. 1999. Evidence for a role of IL-17 in organ allograft rejection: IL-17 promotes the functional differentiation of dendritic cell progenitors. J. Immunol. 162: 577-584.
18. Lu, L., W. Li, F. Fu, F. G. Chambers, S. Qian, J. J. Fung, and A. W. Thomson. 1997. Blockade of the CD40-CD40 ligand pathway potentiates the capacity of donor-derived dendritic cell progenitors to induce long-term cardiac allograft survival. Transplantation 64: 1808-1815.
19. Lu, L., W. A. Rudert, S. Qian, D. McCaslin, F. Fu, A. S. Rao, M. Trucco, J. J. Fung, T. E. Starzl, and A. W. Thomson. 1995. Growth of donor-derived dendritic cells from the bone marrow of murine liver allograft recipients in response to granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor. J. Exp. Med. 182: 379-387.
20. Lu, L., J. Woo, A. S. Rao, Y. Li, S. C. Watkins, S. Qian, T. E. Starzl, A. J. Demetris, and A. W. Thomson. 1994. Propagation of dendritic cell progenitors from normal mouse liver using granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor and their maturational development in the presence of type-1 collagen. J. Exp. Med. 179: 1823-1834.
Research Interests
- Dendritic cells, rapamycin and transplant tolerance
- Understanding the role of dendritic cells in liver transplant tolerance
- Transitioning regulatory DC from the laboratory to the clinic