Geetha Chalasani, M.D.

Campus: Biomedical Science Tower, 203 Lothrop St
Office: W1554
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Ph: 412-383-5924
- M.B.B.S. - Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary, Karnataka, India
Academic Affiliation
- Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
- Associate Professor, Department of Immunology
- Member, Immunology Graduate Program, School of Medicine
- Member, Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, School of Medicine
About Research
Dr. Chalasani’s main interests include memory T cell biology, antibody-independent functions of B cells and pathogenesis of chronic rejection. Her laboratory is focused on understanding how memory T cells are generated in transplantation. Her group is investigating how B cell functions and their innate activation pathways contribute to T cell memory and chronic rejection, and how different B cell populations impact these processes. Other relevant translational areas of research include changes in B cell subpopulations and functions under depletional and non-depletional induction regimens in kidney transplant recipients; impact of circulating BAFF levels and concominant donor specific B and T cell memory in kidney transplant recipients undergoing early rejection; and immune exhaustion in pediatric liver transplant recipients as a mechanism of operational tolerance off immunosuppression.