Vladimir Liarski, M.D.

Campus: Biomedical Science Tower
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
- B.S. - NYU College of Arts and Science, New York (2002)
- M.D. - NYU School of Medicine, New York (2006)
Academic Affiliation
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
About Research
Overview: Our laboratory is interested in human translational research as it applies to the Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy (IIM) group of disorders, with a specific focus on dermatomyositis (DM) and inclusion body myositis (IBM).
Our research focuses on the role of inflammation and the study of its’ organization, cellular make-up, and presence of cognate versus non-cognate immune interactions. The latter are dissected by means of high-throughput, computerized, and objective techniques based on image analysis of multichannel immunofluorescent confocal microscopy images. Together with collaborators, we developed cutting edge approaches to the segmentation and analysis of in vivo cellular interactions using Convolutional Neural Networks and Deep Learning. In addition, we recently pioneered a new technique to digest frozen clinical muscle biopsies to obtain intact immune cells for use in flow cytometry and downstream single cell applications.
Current projects:
- Leveraging single index cell RNA sequencing to study macrophage populations in frozen biopsies of dermatomyositis. We are investigating which macrophage populations are associated with more severe disease in dermatomyositis patients and how their presence influences other innate and adaptive immune cell populations;
- Investigating tertiary lymphoid neogenesis in Inclusion Body Myositis. We recently observed a marked increase in a novel antibody secreting cell subset in IBM patients as compared to normal muscle and tonsil controls. We are currently using multiple approaches including single cell analysis to perform an in-depth characterization of this population and determine its’ contribution to in situ humoral autoimmunity;
- Incidence of Idiopathic Inflammatory Myositis in the US Veteran Population. We are utilizing a national repository of Veteran Affairs patients to perform a detailed epidemiological study of the incidence and prevalence of IIMs among this cohort to determine if service in the armed forces is associated with an increased rate of these diseases.